I learn à German word...

Beiträge: 62
Registriert: Mi 18. Feb 2015, 10:34

I learn à German word...

Beitrag von Jazmin »

Hello Fusionnnists,

It was my first fusion festival at 42years old and I just want to say that I learn a German word :

"DANKE" to the man who name my friend as a favorite candidate.
"DANKE" to all the staff for their organisation work around what looks like the perfect event for me.
"DANKE" to all the people for the contacts and the good feeling.
"DANKE" to all the young people who believe and act for a better world.
"DANKE" to the oldest people who still believe and act for a better world.
"DANKE" to those artists that understood that playing good music is being generous.
"DANKE" to places like Karl Kutter, Bachstelzen, Ark and some others for their abilities to stop the time.

Hope I'll learn others words next year...
Beiträge: 48
Registriert: Do 18. Jun 2015, 23:19

Re: I learn à German word...

Beitrag von kaulquappe »

"DANKE" for your comment!
Beiträge: 68
Registriert: Mo 8. Jun 2015, 14:02

Re: I learn à German word...

Beitrag von werto »

kaulquappe hat geschrieben:"DANKE" for your comment!
Beiträge: 279
Registriert: Fr 12. Jun 2015, 20:01

Re: I learn à German word...

Beitrag von Freq_15 »

"Bitte" you´re welcome :P