Driving out with camper during the festival?

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Registriert: Mo 19. Jun 2023, 15:48

Driving out with camper during the festival?

Beitrag von Marlien5 »

Hai hai,

I'm coming tomorrow evening with my van. So I'll probably have a spot somewhere at an edge. But I'm curious if it's possible and allowed to exit and enter the festival area during the festival? (if you are able to drive off and are not blocked)
And what would be the best place to park on the festival if you have this plan?
Thank s so much. It's my first time fusion so very curious
Beiträge: 112
Registriert: Fr 30. Jul 2021, 08:54

Re: Driving out with camper during the festival?

Beitrag von nantalos »

You can always exit the camping area, but you are likely not allowed back. Instead you will have to park your camper on one of the parking lots.
After a certain time (whenever the camping areas has filled up to a certain point) no cars or campers are allowed to drive back on there. Very very VERY rarely you can convince security that you had someone keeping the spot clear for you, but most of the time they will not allow any discussion about it and send you to the parking lot.

Keeping any spot clear for a camper, car or tent means you need someone to be there the entire time to argue with people to move somewhere else. Some people are nice about it, others will be very annoyed.
Some tents take just a minute to set up. And telling someone to move their tent is a way bigger argument than telling someone to not set up a tent. Had people near our tent call the security during such an argument. Security sided with the person who set up their tent instead of the person who wanted that spot clear for someone else.

Depending on why you wanna drive off you should consider using the shuttle bus running all day long from the festival back into Mirow. Or using one of the many many taxi services/Fahrservice people are offering here in the forum.