Bad experience with police control - what to do?

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Registriert: Di 3. Jul 2018, 09:20

Bad experience with police control - what to do?

Beitrag von JuliaJ »

After this amazing Fusion, we had quite a bad experience with the police when we were driving home. On the Raststätte Gudow (24, direction Hamburg) we had an traffic control. My boyfriend (driver) said he didn't do any drugs and refused the optional urine test. The cop said in that case, he would have to do a mandatory blood test. Right there on the spot, in a van.

My boyfriend told him ok, but that it would have to be ordered by a judge and had to be done on a police station. The cop told us the law changed since 2017 and this was not the case any more. And that we had to do as he told. We answered we wanted to call a lawyer to see what are rights are. As we were trying to get a phone number, the cops quite violently pulled my boyfriend out of the car and forced him into the police van. In the van they again tried to take his blood, and they refused to show any ID's. The guy who would take the blood, did not want to show anything that proved he was a medic. After that, they threatened with violence, if my boyfriend would not stick his arm out, they would use violence, force him to the ground and get his blood anyway. So scared shitless, he gave his blood.

My boyfriend was not under influence of anything at that moment, when we were pulled over we didn't do anything wrong in the traffic. He did not sign anything, he did not get any papers that said that they took his blood and why they took his blood. The only thing he got was a small piece of paper with the name of the cop en at which station he worked.

We will file a complaint, but we would love to know of someone else expierenced this. And is it true the law changed? Is there anyone who can help us find the passage in the law that says the cops could or couldn't do what they did? Or any other advice? Right now we are so angry, we can't just let it go.
Beiträge: 24
Registriert: Mo 2. Jul 2018, 14:44

Re: Bad experience with police control - what to do?

Beitrag von tranquilized »

Wie immer erstmal acht Cola acht Bier!

It seems that there was a change in the Law...

This is a german version:

Diese Möglichkeit besteht ab dem 24.08.17 nicht mehr. Durch Neufassung des § 81a StPO gilt nunmehr folgendes: "Die Entnahme einer Blutprobe bedarf abweichend von Satz 1 keiner richterlichen Anordnung, wenn bestimmte Tatsachen den Verdacht begründen, dass eine Straftat nach § 315a Absatz 1 Nummer 1, Absatz 2 und 3, § 315c Absatz 1 Nummer 1 Buchstabe a, Absatz 2 und 3 oder § 316 des Strafgesetzbuchs begangen worden ist."

In den praktisch meist relevanten Fällen der Trunkenheitsfahrt / Drogenfahrt entscheidet daher die Polizei selbst, ohne Erwägung eines Richters, über den scheren körperlichen Eingriff einer Blutentnahme. Hierin liegt eine wesentliche Verschlechterung der Beschuldigtenrechte. Allerdings gibt momentan, dass die Polizei bei Verdacht auf Trunkenheitsfahrten selbst eine Blutentnahme anordnen kann.

Pretty shitty action!
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Registriert: Fr 15. Dez 2017, 11:03

Re: Bad experience with police control - what to do?

Beitrag von divergenz »

NEVER stop at petrolstations, parking, raststätte, etc. Along any german autobahn!

Do you have dark skin or look non-white german in some way? your case ounds like racial profiling to me.
they always stop me after fusion aswell, but i have never been treated like that and i could always avoid a drug test through talking (or they sensed they´re not gonna find anything in me anyways)

Let us know how your case went, this sounds seriously concerning what you´ve gone through!
Beiträge: 2
Registriert: Di 3. Jul 2018, 09:20

Re: Bad experience with police control - what to do?

Beitrag von JuliaJ »

Thanks tranquilized! I understand a bit and will have that translated. Too bad we didn't know earlier!

Divergenz, we don't have a dark skin, but we do have a Dutch license plate. We heared a lot of stories that they are eager to take Dutch cars out. So maybe that's why. Sad to hear you allways get pulled over bij the cops.

So now we're trying to get legal advice and writing the complaint. Still, if anyone has any advice it is very welcome! :)
Beiträge: 5
Registriert: Di 3. Jul 2018, 16:16

Re: Bad experience with police control - what to do?

Beitrag von sumsum »

To be honest that is quite a bit your own fault. The police is not obliged to wait until you found a lawyer or something to check the law. It is your responsebility to check the law before you visit another country. And of course they randomly pulled over cars coming from the fusion, thats the whole reason for them being there. I would advise next time you just do the test like everyone else does.
Beiträge: 24
Registriert: Mo 2. Jul 2018, 14:44

Re: Bad experience with police control - what to do?

Beitrag von tranquilized »

Sorry for you guys.

Und zu dem Schreiber über mir. Bis vor einem Jahr war es absolut möglich diese Blutproben zu verweigern. Ich würde es grundsätzlich auch immer so machen. Schon allein aus dem Grund ein paar weiteren Leuten die Repressionen zu ersparen, da man nen cop gebunden hat.
Beiträge: 5
Registriert: Di 3. Jul 2018, 16:16

Re: Bad experience with police control - what to do?

Beitrag von sumsum »

Der Urintest wäre ja möglich gewesen. Und bei sowas von Repressionen zu reden, da kann ich ehrlich gesagt nur schmunzeln :P Ne Drogenkontrolle beim Fahrer nach solchen Festivals ist vollkommen legitim, man hat auch ne Verantwortung gegenüber anderen Verkehrsteilnehmern. Geh mal in die Türkei da hast du echte Repressionen vom "Staat".
Beiträge: 35
Registriert: Mo 21. Jul 2014, 22:37

Re: Bad experience with police control - what to do?

Beitrag von vereinigung »

Weiß jemand ob das neue Gesetz schonmal verfassungsrechtlich überprüft wurde? Es steht doch prinzipiell gegen das Recht auf körperliche Unversehrtheit.
Beiträge: 24
Registriert: Mo 2. Jul 2018, 14:44

Re: Bad experience with police control - what to do?

Beitrag von tranquilized »

Ich Kram auch in der Bahn in Hamburg erstmal 5 Minuten nach meinem Ticket und hoffe immer 1 bis 2 schwarz Fahrer kommen durch.

Ja es ist repressiv wenn ich vorher nen Alkohol test gemacht habe, versichert habe keine drogen genommen oder bei mir zu haben.

Der Türkei Vergleich hinkt.
Beiträge: 20
Registriert: Di 3. Jul 2018, 15:27

Re: Bad experience with police control - what to do?

Beitrag von Complex »

What you can always do if mistreated, against any public officer (not only police):

File a complaint, the so-called "Dienstaufsichtsbeschwerde" - it is not bound to any form. You can just write that you want to complain about the treatment and what was done to you. Don´t expect to much of it, you´ll probably not get any response, but they have to at least talk to the officer you can name and put the complaint in his file. If his File get´s a lot of these, he´ll probably get problems with his career.

The complaint should be send to the "Dienstaufsicht" - I´m not too sure about the correct Address but you seem to have been in Schleswig-Holstein, so the Address should be:

Code: Alles auswählen

Mühlenweg 166
24116 Kiel
Other than that you could think about trying to press criminal charges, "Strafanzeige" - if and what grounds for that are present should be checked by a legal professional though.